Runnin' to-and-fro - hard workin' at the mill.
Runnin 'va-et-vient - dur Workin' à l'usine.
Never failed in the mail yet, come a rotten Bill!
Ne jamais échoué dans l'e-mail encore, venez un projet de loi pourri!
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Monkey business trop. Monkey business trop.
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in!
Monkey business trop pour moi d'être impliqué dans!
Salesman talkin' to me - tryin' to run me up a creek.
Talkin vendeur "pour moi - tryin 'to me lancer un ruisseau.
Says you can buy it, go on try it - you can pay me next
Indique que vous pouvez l'acheter, rendez-vous sur l'essayer - vous pouvez me payer prochaine
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Monkey business trop. Monkey business trop.
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in!
Monkey business trop pour moi d'être impliqué dans!
Blonde haired, good lookin' - tryin' to get me hooked.
Blonde aux cheveux, good lookin '- tryin' to me crochu.
Want me to marry - settle down - get a home - write a book!
Vous voulez que je me marie - s'installer - obtenir une maison - écrire un livre!
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Monkey business trop. Monkey business trop.
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in!
Monkey business trop pour moi d'être impliqué dans!
Same thing every day - gettin' up, goin' to school.
C'est la même chose tous les jours - Gettin 'up, vas à l'école.
No need for me complainin' - my objection's overruled, ahh!
Pas besoin de me plaindrai - mon objection est rejetée, ahh!
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Monkey business trop. Monkey business trop.
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in!
Monkey business trop pour moi d'être impliqué dans!
Pay phone - something wrong - dime gone - will mail
Téléphone public - quelque chose de mal - sou parti - vous enverra
Ought to sue the operator for telling me a tale - ahh!
Devrait poursuivre l'exploitant de me dire un conte - ahh!
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Monkey business trop. Monkey business trop.
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in!
Monkey business trop pour moi d'être impliqué dans!
Been to Yokohama - been fightin' in the war.
Été à Yokohama - été fightin dans la guerre.
Army bunk - Army chow - Army clothes - Army car, aah!
Armée superposés - Armée chow - vêtements Army - Armée de voiture, aah!
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Monkey business trop. Monkey business trop.
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in!
Monkey business trop pour moi d'être impliqué dans!
Workin' in the fillin' station - too many tasks.
Workin 'dans le fillin "station - trop de tâches.
Wipe the windows - check the tires - check the oil - dollar
Essuyez les fenêtres - vérifier les pneus - vérifier l'huile - dollar
Too much monkey business. Too much monkey business.
Monkey business trop. Monkey business trop.
Don't want your botheration, get away, leave me!
Vous ne voulez pas votre Botheration, éloignez-vous, laissez-moi!
MONKEY BUSINESS trop pour moi!