Sade dit moi
Sade tell me
Sade donne moi
Sade, give me
Sade dit moi qu'est ce que tu vas chercher?
Sade, tell me what do you seek?
Le bien par le mal
The rightness of wrong
La vertu par le vice
The virtue of vice
Sade dit moi pourquoi l' 'evangile du mal?
Sade tell me why the Gospel of evil?
Quelle est ta religion ou` sont tes fide`les?
What is your religion Where are your faithful?
Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l'homme.
If you are against God, you are against man.
Sade dit moi pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir?
Sade tell me why blood for pleasure?
Le plaisir sans l'amour.
Pleasure without love.
N'y a t'il plus de sentiment dans le culte de l'homme ?
There is no longer any sense in the cult of man?
Sade es-tu diabolique ou divin?
Sade are you evil or divine?
Sade, tell me...
Sade, tell me ...
Sade, give me...
Sade, give me ...
Sade, tell me...what is it that you seek?
Sade, tell me ... what is it you seek That?
The rightness of wrong, the virtue of vice...
The rightness of wrong, the virtue of vice ...
Sade, tell me...why the Gospel of evil?
Sade, tell me ... why the Gospel of evil?
What is your religion? Where are your faithful?
What is your religion? Where are your faithful?
If you are against God, you are against man...
If you are against God, you are against man ...
Sade, tell me...why blood for pleasure? Pleasure without love?
Sade, tell me ... why blood for pleasure? Pleasure without love?
Is there no emotion in the cult of man?
Is there no emotion in the cult of man?
Sade, are you diabolical or divine?
Sade, are you diabolical or divine?
SADENESS (Extended Version lyrics in [])
Sadeness (Extended Version lyrics in [])