Paroles de chanson et traduction Dark Sanctuary - L'autre Monde

Dans l'obscurité
In darkness
Je cherche ton son
I seek your sound
Pour me guider
To guide me
Pour éclairer
to light
Mon horizon
my horizon

Telle est la vie
Such is life
Qu'on m'a donné
I was given
Je dois errer
I have to wander
Dans les ténèbres
In darkness
Pour l'éternité
For eternity

J'ai parfois envie
I sometimes envy
D'autres plaisirs
Other pleasures
De petites joies
Small joys
Des raisons de vivre
Reasons to live
Ou d'exister
Or to exist

Mais je reste seul
But I remain alone
Dans mes pensées
In my thoughts
Mon univers
My world
Reste fermé
remains closed
A tout jamais
For ever

Ecoute moi
Listen to me
Entends moi
hear me
C'est mon cri
This is my cry
Qui t'appelle
Calling you

Emmène moi
Take me
Entraîne moi
leads me
Dans ces lieux
In these places

Prends ma main
Take my hand
Prends ma main
Take my hand
Guide mes pas
my footsteps
Dans cette vie
In this life

Prends mon ãme
Take my soul
Prends mon ãme
Take my soul
C'est mes rêves
This is my dream
Qui s'éclairent
That light

J'ai aimé
I loved
Tant d'idées
So many ideas
Que j'ai dû
I had

Seul le bruit
Only the sound
M'a compris
including me
Et me mon-
Amount and me
-tre ma vie
-TRE my life

Vois mes larmes
See my tears
Vois mes larmes
See my tears
Qui s'écoulent
De la mort
Of death

C'est mon c? ur
This is my c? ur
C'est mon coeur
It's my heart
Qui attend
La lumière
The light


(The Other World)
(The Other World)

In darkness
in darkness
I search your sound
I search your sound
To guide me
To guide me
To enlighten
to enlighten
My horizon
My horizon

This is the life
This is the life
They gave me
They gave me
I have to wander
I have to wander
In darkness
in darkness

I sometimes need
Sometimes I need
Some other pleasures
Some other pleasures
Some small joies
Some small joys
Some reasons to live
Some Reasons to Live
Or to exist
Or to exist

But I stay alone
Goal I stay alone
With my thoughts
With my thoughts
My world
My world
Stay closed
Stay closed

Listen to me
Listen to me
Hear me
Hear me
This is my cry
This is my cry
Which is calling you
Which is calling you

Take me
Take me
Lead me away
Lead me away
To these forbidden
To thesis forbidden

Take my hand
Take my hand
Take my hand
Take my hand
Guide me
Guide me
In this life
In this life

Take my soul
Take my soul
Take my soul
Take my soul
That's my dreams
That's my dreams
Which are enlightening me
Which are enlightening me

I've loved
I've loved
So many ideas
So many ideas
That I had
That I Had
To invent
to invent

Only the noise
Only the noise
Understood me
Understood me
And showed me
And Showed Me
My life
My life

Behold my tears
Behold my tears
Behold my tears
Behold my tears
Which are flowing
Which are flowing
Out of death
Out of death

That's my heart
That's my heart
That's my heart
That's my heart
Which is waiting< for
Which is waiting <for
The light
The light

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